Submitted by rbisht on Sun, 12/25/2022 - 10:33
Page Content


Our curriculum follows the blended learning approach, enabling students to learn online, at their own pace, and attend online workshops for more coaching in unique dubbing techniques. The course consists of e-learning modules that take both a technical and theoretical approach to learning - this allows students to put their knowledge to practice and test themselves!


Step 1 — Enrollment and Tuition

Firstly, sign up to the Dubbing Academy course, where you can get access to free content immediately. To complete the payment process of the course, simply go to 'course modules', click on the icon to purchase the module and make the payment.



Step 2 — Starter Equipment

The Dubbing Academy course can be completed using simply your laptop’s microphone, however we strongly suggest purchasing a separate microphone for higher quality recordings that are suitable to send to potential clients.

Additionally, the below accessories will help you to improve the process and quality of your recordings even more:

  • Microphone Stand 
  • Microphone Screen 
  • Closed Headphones